Are You Lazy Or Are You Busy?




The laziness dice is something which is not only spelt by the youngsters but adults too. What we need to realize is the punctuality and the value education subject again taught in childhood. So what’s the scenario? You feel lazy to get up early morning and head to college? You feel it boring and tiring and disheartening to go to office on a Monday? You are happier to take a leave and sit at home? You ought to bunk lectures and get your complete or the extra sleep? 1 day doesn’t matter right? “1 Din to chalta Hai” is what we present to the world. Somewhere cheating ourselves.

Well it’s all human nature but what is misleading in this laziness stride is something really important and serious for us all. Do we ever realize the spots of things we miss? If you take leaves on alternate days or say 2 days a week…don’t you think you really miss out? Yes it must be cool to see unavailable at some lecture and whopping up the next day etc. things, but we all do this. Have you ever thought how much you leave yourself behind…the others know what you don’t? Yes because you were snoring at home. Hands down there are exceptionals – the really punctual brats who inspired me to write this piece.


What we don’t realize is the value behind it. What are we humans meant for? What is our task as a person, as a human? Are we only meant to sit sleep eat and enjoy our lives. Isn’t there any kind of responsibility or value in ourselves? Responsibility always doesn’t mean towards someone else, it’s a responsibility for himself when a person is a student. And when he misses teachings in lectures it’s a start to the degradation. We never realize this – we always manage and rub and rag the studies left. Either we learn from a friend or self-study the part. We are extremely shameful of the lecture gone “missed”, missed the teacher’s extra thoughts and extra information which every professor gives us, the chance to make some more friends is missed, the opportunity to be a part of a task may be missed and so many things which you just don’t know. Because they aren’t broadcasted live to your dreams. (How amazing it would be although if this technology came). When you take a leave from your office or say you are late because of the traffic…you decide to return home and fake a real reason to your boss, because you cannot bear the “latecomer” reaction once more.

We must realize that we are humans with values and responsibility. And the most important – the values and the high importance of work. A human is a waste if he is not working. An idle lazy person is only a burden to the world and a burden to himself too. We should understand we are because of our work. May be it’s our studies or our bread earning job or the household work or anything. We are taught in schools that work is worship but this only stays a by hearted proverb in the walls of our mind. It never comes to the centralized action place. Leaning for a holiday, waiting for vacations are all lame things. A person should find happiness in his work. What happiness will you earn if you decide to sit idle for your entire life?

We should learn from the small kids who run to school early mornings with crisp uniforms and heavy bags. Yes we too have done it – so why not again? For a self-better leading life. We often see big businessman and actors making huge money. It’s not a work of a night. They have sacrificed all their sleep & hunger for this. And you know what – they love working. They love being busy. How proud it feels to simply tag ourselves a workaholic. If you are a live heart – you will feel pleasured to work and brush some sweat. And the sleep after working hard is valuable. Not the one where you miss your so important studies and job to get the sleep. No one ever remembers the night they got the most sleep.


Now you must be inspired and thinking- yes I am a live heart and I too love working, I feel good when I brush sweat. 😛 We all have it in us. It’s only layered with laziness, lack of values, ignorance of values, ill-habits. Only if you try to quit this ill-habits and start working on breaking this layers …a better human will arise. And then you aren’t be craving much for your success. Unearth the real pure human in you – who loves to work, respect his own values, feel responsible for self and others, who doesn’t hesitate to work. Someone who will make weird expressions when someone acts lazy, someone who will then boast some of the above lines to make a person love his work.

It might seem tough for you at the start but if you have set your mind and heart nothing will stop you. You have to just start from being punctual and regular. Start being more positive, don’t let any negative or lazy though even dare to pass your mind. Be so stiff with your values that this problems never meet you again. Will you love to go out meet people, learn things, be happy, work energetically and return home with your chest wide of proud – that yes I lived my day… or would you will prefer to fool your friends and boss and sit at home entertaining yourself… Think on it.



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