Are You Lonely? 7 Interesting Ways To Beat Loneliness


Are You Lonely? 7 Interesting Ways To Beat Loneliness

Ways To Beat Loneliness

We live in a surrounding where we always feel the need to socialise, want to feel needed and loved, loneliness is something one may never wanna feel. But at times loneliness finds our way and knocks at our door. So what can one do at such times, here are few tips which I follow to keep one occupied when I feel lonely.

  • Don’t over think

Often when we are lonely we spend majority of our time wondering and thinking all the negative things which is depressing. The first thing one can do is avoid thinking about the things that may spoil your mood, comfort yourself with positive thoughts that you’re not lonely.


  • Keep yourself busy

To avoid loneliness it’s always better to keep oneself busy with some kind of activities which you may be good at like drawing, reading novels, you may even clean your stuffs. Keeping yourself busy always works as you don’t have the time to think of anything else.


  • Socialise with people

The best way to avoid loneliness is connecting with people. Keeping yourself around a group of people will always keep you open to new thoughts and ideas which will ultimately eliminate the thought of being lonely. Spend time with your family and friends they are always there to help you. You can even call or message your friend and have a huge conversation on vague topics. 


  • Take a good walk

Keeping yourself locked inside the house is not the solution, get up and take a walk in a park or garden. Take look at the surrounding, and feel the fresh air, watch people around you. It’s a good way, as it rejuvenates and makes you feel fresh. You may even jog or cycle to enhance your physical abilities.


  • Listen to music

Music is the best medicine to cure any kind of mental imbalance, listen to your favourite beats and tap your feet to the mesmerizing music. It will always make you feel better.


  • Pick up a new hobby or activity

You can go on and explore beyond your abilities, pick up a new activity may be swimming, dance, and drawing. It can be anything that interests you. It will not only improve your skills but also keep you reserved.


  • Surf online

Surf and keep yourself updated on social networking sites. It’s the best way to spend your time, chat with friends and play online games. You can even read and learn new things new things on the net or watch a movie.


Anyone and everyone feels lonely at some point of time, but we need to invent our own ways of keeping ourselves busy and occupied to avoid loneliness.


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Daisy Pais

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