Are You Ready For 2014 General Elections?


As 2014 arrives, the results of the battle “2014’s General Elections” seems to be unpredictable. When Narendra Modi claims “Development” as his mantra and Arvind Kejriwal claims “Common man”, the political analysts are thinking intensely who would make it to the power.  With AAP doing immensely good in the Delhi polls i.e. managing 28 seats out of 70 and joining hands with Congress for forming a Delhi Goverment which means they have secured 31 seats in opposition of BJP. With this form of government, AAP has received nation-wide attention and aiming 100 seats from 10 states for the upcoming General Elections.

AAP has managed to get the attention of those who are irritated with BJP v/s Congress supporters’ debate as they are the most corrupt politicians of all time 😉

So with each political party claiming to be the best, only time can tell who wins!!

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