Are you ready for SNAP Exam 2013-14?


As only few days left for the SNAP test, we bring you resourceful links to know what SNAP is all about and how to do everything in suchaa short span of time 😉

Firstly, you need to know what’s the paper pattern of SNAP exam 2013 so that you have a clear idea which are the likely covered areas/topics you need to focus on.

Click here —  SNAP Exam 2013 Paper Pattern

As SNAP 2013 Paper Pattern consists of an objective type multiple choice tests carrying total marks of 180 and the total time given for the test is 120 minutes, you would be wondering how to prepare for the different sections?

Click here — Section-wise preparation for SNAP 2013 Exam

Now, do you wanna see a model paper with solution to understand how you would be able to answer 180 qs in 120 mins?

Click here —- SNAP Exam Model Paper

Also do you want to know when the test results would be declared?

Click here —- Results date of SNAP 2013 Exams

What after results? Will there be Group Exercise/Discussion conducted?

Click here —-Selection Process of Symbiosis B-Schools from 2013 



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