Are you ‘successful’ or ‘unsuccessful’ decides Mumbai University!?


Mumbai University declared the results of 20,000 students of B.Sc 5th Sem on Saturday. The results were declared after a slight delay and University website didn’t mention scores or grades and subject-wise details but stated if the candidate was “SUCCESSFUL” or “UNSUCCESSFUL”.
This kind of INCOMPLETE information was called as “Results” by MU as students who had even cleared their exams had never seen such a result. It’s merely an “indicative” list.
Tensed students are clueless which subjects they must start preparing again as university has also declared the dates for the re-exam, scheduled after 3 months.
Details of those who were repeaters, those who shifted from old to new system is not yet out.
A new grade card and course-wise credit sheets will be provided to the students by next week.
So the “PASS” or “FAIL” gets replaced by “SUCCESSFUL” or “UNSUCCESSFUL” 😉
ul’ decides Mumbai University!?

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