Are You WhatsApp Addicted? Wanna Know How To Get Rid Of It?


whatsapp addiction

Smart phones are the mobile phones with an operating system. Smartphones includes all the technical features of a phone and of another consumer device like a GPS system, Digital Camera, WI-FI support system, Different Apps, payment mechanisms etc. We all are addicted to our Smartphones that we rely on them for our daily works. Apps with smartphone supports are highly liked and used by the customers, one of the most used and liked App is WhatsApp- which is an App operated as a free messenger from whom you can talk or have a chat with your friends, family from anywhere. The App is very convenient to use and is not too expensive, we have to pay once in a year. Ok coming back to the topic, most of us are badly addicted to WhatsApp that we never go offline 😛 We love chatting with all our lovely friends all day long. Are you addicted to WhatsApp, if yes don’t worry you can overcome it 🙂 I’ll tell you how?

Let’s do this:

  1. Remove the icon from your Home screen:

You should start with removing the WhatsApp icon from your home screen, the benefit you will get to do this – is that you will get to see it less and then you will waste your less time on using it. Removing the icon is better than uninstalling the App from the phone, RIGHT?


  1. Off the notifications:

The best way you can avoid to check WhatsApp again and again is to turn off your notification so that you don’t use your cell often. Try to avoid your cell phone and keep yourself busy with other things.


  1. Take the time to reply:

When you receive a message don’t hurry to grab the phone and reply like if you won’t reply the other person is going to die only 😀 Just kidding! Take your time to reply, be patient in the process it will surely help your addict.


  1. Stop forwarding the messages:

Stop forwarding the jokes, images, videos, to everyone in your contact list. Stop broadcasting to the people, it indirectly involves you in conservation later on that keeps you busy in the process.


  1. Stop changing your Display picture frequently:

You have to stop changing your DP (Display picture) so frequently like changing it daily. It seems like a habit to you that you have to change it every day for a change. No, people do not live only to see your profile picture every day, so stop doing it and try to change your DP once in 2 weeks.

 addicted to whatsapp

  1. Stop changing your status:

You keep on updating your every second activity you’re doing. Don’t you? Some people like to make their life socialise but it tends to an addiction for them to keep updating about everything they do or feel. You should reduce this process to one in a week.


  1. Open your WhatsApp once in an hour:

This step will surely help you out when you will check your WhatsApp once in an hour to check your messages. It will reduce your addiction to it and so it will help you to get involved in other better things 🙂

I came through such a nicely explained example of an addiction to Apps which I’ll share with you:

Try the below algorithm: 

1) every day put some coins in your pocket (like 10)
2) every time you open Facebook/WhatsApp, throw one coin away on street from your pocket.
3) At the end of the day if you are able to save near half of the coins, then you are doing great and it is not harmful to open Facebook/WhatsApp twice a day.
Else, go to step 1 and repeat until you are not able to save half of the coins.

If you love your money, you will see an improvement for sure :)”


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Archana Negi


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