Arjun Kapoor is the lead in Milan Luthria’s next project and not Sakshi



While everyone is waiting for Milan Luthria to start the film which will launch Vinod Khanna’s younger son Sakshi, and it is known that the  project will only start next year.

Sakshi who have worked as an assistant director on Milan’s Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai Dobaara, has been preparing for his role for some time now. The aspiring actor turned 23 yesterday .

Milan gave the reason for delay saying, “The film is a passionate love story and is high on entertainment with plenty of action. Sakshi is immensely talented and the role is complex. So there is a lot of home work that he requires to do over the next few months.” Meanwhile, the director will shoot another young love story that so far is kept under wraps.The film has Arjun Kapoor in the lead and the shooting will be done in Jammu & Kashmir .

 The film will see Arjun paired with an established young heroine who is yet to be signed and director Milan refused to comment on this, saying, “It’s too early to talk about this. We will make an announcement soon.”

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Aishwarya Mehta
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