Article 370: An overreaction by Omar Abdullah



I just started my day by watering the plants and while sipping my tea heard about Ex CM – Omar Abdullah’s comments on article 370. And suddenly my peace just disappeared and a sense of irritation overtook me as I was listening to the various opinions on article 370 and the newly formed Modi Governments stand. I believe one of the people from Modi’s PMO made an enthusiastic comment on article 370 which was soon converted into a big controversy and an issue was made out of something which had absolutely no backing from the government as it was not a statement issued by an official or a spokesperson of the BJP.

I totally understand the urge Congress has to give it back to Modi’s government after their shameful defeat and the desperateness is very evident from the controversies they have managed to evoke in just a single day. But this reaction actually overreaction was the least I had expected from Omar Abdullah who I believe is suffering and heartache from his loss and also is in the attention grabbing state due to the upcoming elections.

Article 370 is a constitutional matter which cannot be debated upon as a rhetoric election tool. As far as Omar Abdullah’s views are concerned I would just suggest him to let the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh decide their own fate. It’s for them to choose between development, progress, economic growth and peace or terrorism and destruction. I don’t think he has the sole right to decide for everyone. His overreaction and over the top comments signify the level of insecurity he feels. People should realise how he is trying to use article 370 as an instrument for the upcoming polls.

What hurts and upsets me the most is that someone like him is not even ready to initiate talks. The soldiers preventing terror attacks and trying to restore peace in the valley are from different parts of India. It’s for the people that they have sacrificed so many years and still Mr. Omar doesn’t find India’s intention good for the people of Kashmir. Kashmir earns the most from tourism and I would like to remind Mr. Omar that out of all the tourists visiting Kashmir Indians are highest in number. It’s a matter of fact that today people of Kashmir can fulfil their basic necessities only because of Indians. It’s such a shame that still people like him feel that India and Kashmir are different. Perhaps they are because we care for every life in Kashmir whereas people like him do not care for the emotions and sentiments of Indian’s. What Mr. Omar is not catching here is the bigger picture for him and Kashmir.  If Narendra Modi could take Gujarat tourism to such an extent then he could just imagine where he could take Kashmir. Maybe they just fail to see the brighter picture and still live in the dust and smoke of bombarding.

Mr. Abdullah should realise that the PM resonates the voice of Indians. And if he wants to continue and keep Kashmir’s independent status unchanged then I strongly urge Indians to not visit Kashmir. Why should we feed people who consider us their enemies? Why are we to care for those who think ill of us? What is wrong in considering article 370?

It’s time we think about certain issues. We have elected change and strength and when it is happening then should we support it.


–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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