Arvind Kejriwal Comes Out From Tihar Jail On Bail

Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party for the election of 2014 has been in Delhi’s Tihar jail for the last six days.
On May 21, the court had granted bail to Kejriwal in the defamation complaint, saying the offence under section 500 of IPC was bailable and had asked him furnished a personal bond.
Kejriwal’s lawyer told HC that personal bond of Rs.10,000 has already been signed. A bench of justices Kalish Gambir and Sunita Gupta had said that he can do whatever legal issues he wants to, after  he comes out of the jail.
The court today said, “It is a small case. Why are you making it big? Why are you taking this as a prestige issue?”  The court also appeared to AAP leader Prashant Bhushan and his father, former law minister Shanti Bhushan, who are representing Mr Kejriwal. “Mr Kejriwal should be given proper counseling by you,” the court said, addressing them.The AAP chief was jailed on Wednesday and first sent to judicial custody for two days. The court ordered 14 more days in custody when Mr. Kejriwal remained adamant on not furnishing a bail bond.

After today’s hearing, Prashant Bhushan went to the Tihar jail, apparently to persuade Mr Kejriwal to come out of jail and then fight his case, as the court had advised.

By Shamim Noorani. 


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