Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You; Ask What You Can Do For Your Country


 quote on earth

                             “Earth can satisfy human need, not greed!”

-Mahatma Gandhi

Earth’s limited resources are often quoted to be exploited, or for that matter over-exploited. We, the young generation, as a collection of individuals can make a lot of difference to our society at large by just using the gift of god, natural resources, in a  way it serves the purpose and doesn’t harm the environment. I use the word “WE” just for the young generation, due to the simple reason that most of the people who realise the importance and urgency of these topics fall widely in this category.

Sun, shines so bright, dawn to dusk, why can’t we just use that? It would never be exhausted by our usage. Every house can have a solar panel installed just beside their Tata Sky dishes. We could save upon lots of energy and use sustainable resource. The street lights could use the same energy.

Water, 71% of our mother Earth is covered by water. Agreeing to the point, 95.6% being salt water but still could be used for the purpose of generation of electricity.

Wind energy can do so much, apart from electricity generations. It is used by people for grinding grain and even pumping water.

Petroleum could be consumed more by public transport instead of private ones. It would just contribute les to the increasing pollution.

One of the major problem lies in our head, it’s so simple to just switch off the lights, turn off the tap, get our vehicles checked and many more such little tasks that were taught to us in our Environmental Studies probably in class 7 or 8, but we just felt it to be “too boring” to realise if we didn’t do this, it would surely be a difficult situation for us, down the line. Today, looking at the scenario I feel immense pain, just if people could have tried to understand and made it a point to serious, these little things, it would surely make a huge difference.

I mean, c’mon how difficult is it to walk few steps and switch off the lights when you see it’s not needed. Instead use that electricity for the poor fellow in the village who wants to study but cannot do it because he is not fortunate enough to have that one tube light, about which we don’t care.

Not all of us need to do huge tasks; we could probably just take care of these tiny things, to make this society a better place, to live in, if not for others at least for oneself.



Capital, by the privileged India is in abundance and is being used for the purpose of development. Whereas for the flip side, the section of India, that is the underprivileged ones, do not have enough money to support their family.  It is here where we need to bring about the change. We need to manage the distribution of capital, there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between the rich, who are becoming richer and the poor, who are becoming poorer. We must be inspired by the Mos. Meera Senyal, former CEO of RBS, she took physical tour to the rural India, analysed their needs and had a word with her team. They started financing the people with cattle or crops that would help them to earn their livelihood. On the Individual basis and a smaller scale, we could spare some amount from pocket money and the poor people in some or the other way.

Our country has many well off firms, so these firms could finance the small industries and/or people aspiring to enter such industries and help them earn reasonably, help them grow and develop. It is not necessary to help them only financial, it can be terms of knowledge, training, human resource or land.



We should be proud of our luck that we were born in a good family and are getting good education, but there are many people in our country who are not fortunate enough to get this kind of education.

It was yesterday when I was passing by our college, I saw one of the student from our very own college sitting on the footpath and teaching few small underprivileged kids. Those kids were so engrossed in it that they were not disturbed by the noise around. I was deeply touched by the kind of gesture, and was really inspiring. This could be cited as example for sharing our information.

Once can take up the idea of educating the people regarding various important issues that very few are aware of, for e.g., in our country there are people, unaware of their rights.


I would like to conclude that the richer section of our society is better off, but the improvement in the other section is very minimal. We can do few of these small acts and our society as whole grown in all terms. I would end my article the following quote:


“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”

-John F. Kennedy



Name: Lohit Madaan


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Vanita Godwani
Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official