Aththi Devo Bhava – An Idiom You Must Practise







That is what we are learning from the beginning that guests are gods all ore elderly says that the guest should not leave home unsatisfied, that means he should be treated with best hospitality as possible because they are as good as gods.

But when the guests visit our house our mind goes through so much of thoughts. WHY?

The guests only visit our house if there was an invitation or just to know how’s it going but even in that short period of time we go bonkers that when he will leave.

Will the guest that had come to the house will settle here permanently? NO WAYS!! . So why can’t we handle the small visit nicely and make it go good .

If you want the visit go short and sweet then try not to go too verbal with him, verbal conversation may lead to more time and if you want the guest to leave you can start cleaning up not with vaccum cleaner but cleaning up the snacks and dishes it’s a sign that the guest will understand and leave but as the culture say that guest are god they should be treated like god.

And it’s the right thing to treat them as god because one day you will also be a guest somewhere. SO DO RESPECT THE SAYING





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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .