“Attend Lectures and Concentrate on what Professors are teaching” says Ankit Rathi, Sydenham TYBMS Topper 2013


Excerpts of the Interview with Ankit Omprakash Rathi, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Sydenham College (82.33%)

ankit rathi 

Success mantra – Have fun in life and be fully dedicated towards your work.


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

To be frank enough I was not expecting that I would be able to top in the exams. There were many others in my class who had worked hard for getting good scores. I would credit my success to my parents, my professors, our BMS Coordinator Jharna Madam, HOD Dr. M. B. Bhide Sir and my best friends.


  • Tell us something about yourself.

I am an ambitious person and try to work harder for any task given to me. I like to play cricket, and hanging out with friends is my favorite time pass.

I do participate in various college events and also take part in organizing events for my own college. I think BMS students can easily manage both.

I am Pursuing Company Secretary course from ICSI- Institute of Company Secretaries of India. I would pursue MBA in finance after a break of a year or so.



  • Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

Obviously, like every BMSites, I started preparing a few weeks before exams. There was no timetable which I followed; I just randomly picked up the subjects and started studying for it. In a day I would study around 2-3 hours (maximum).


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?

I would just give one small tip for all subjects- Attend lectures and concentrate on what professors are teaching. Seriously it helps a lot.

And the easiest subjects from my point are Service sector management and Business Ethics.

Answers do not require any special way but just write whatever you are writing with confidence. Case studies need to be analyzed carefully and then answer.

Subject wise tips:

HRM- Study all major concepts and try to write in your own words.

Service Sector Management- All the concepts should be related to our life so that they can be understood and can be written easily.

Business Ethics- at least Study and remember the major concepts. Don’t mess up between different concepts.

Logistics- It’s a very vast subject and just start studying it from beginning.

FM and SSF- Practice and Practice. Also don’t forget to read the theory.


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough?

I don’t think it is required to join coaching for any subject as self study is more than enough and professors are there for support if there is any doubt. I too had not joined any coaching class.


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

It totally depends on the mental strength of individual. At the time of failure instead of cursing the student I think all the parents, teachers and friends should try to motivate the one who had failed and help him overcome the stress due to failure.

For stress management I would go for evening walk daily with my friends and enjoy.


  •  Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

Yes I think industrial visit should be increased for BMS students, at least 2 in a year. Because practical knowledge is only what will help us when we come out of the college.

I have visited an export oriented industry manufacturing Gas valves in Pune.


  •  Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

Yes BMS students are flooded with assignments round the clock. But if see deeper, actually all this projects help us to revise from time to time. However regarding the curriculum I would just say that the university should make the course which brings out the true managerial skills out of the students.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

Study hard and enjoy harder along with your studies. Do not just go on ratofying things. Have some life. Just don’t study all the time. Find time for your friends too and enjoy with your family. Have an outing once in a while.

BMS.co.in is a site which is developed very effectively and which is helping students like us a lot. I would just say that it should continue its work and help more and more students.


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