“Attitude matters than marks” says Gorank Jain, BMS Alumni, Lala Lajpatrai College




Tell us something about yourself:

  • If I choose something to work on, I dedicate my whole time and efforts to complete that work.
  • Good at connecting the dots (Relate my past experience to my present and future work)
  • Good at socializing and building relationships.
  • A continuous reader
  • Always look for opportunities and love sharing my bad and good lessons of life.


 Tell us the best memories of your BMS college:
  • Prof. Vinay Pandit and his one comment has changed the way I looked at myself “Very good work, keep it up” for my 2nd year research report.
  • When I was not working for Tsunami (my college festival), the team motivated me to take my first step.
  • My friend ‘Ronit’ who has always been my support system, without whom I would have never got the courage to take positions and responsibilities in various events.
  • Prof. Bharat Nadkarni has always motivated me to take up Entrepreneurship as a career and bring the change.
  • My college had always supported me for extra-curricular activities and more of practical learning.
Tell us the 5 things which you would like to change in BMS education:
  • Change all the books which has content more than 2 years old.
  • Encourage field learning and reduce classroom learning
  • Give more weightage to internals
  • Conduct Industry expert lectures
  • Include compulsory internship in BMS course
5 People who have inspired You:
  • Dhirubhai Ambani
  • Steve Jobs
  • Warren Buffet
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Narendra Modi


Does KTs/Marks really matter to a recruiter/interviewer?

  • No ATKTs or marks have been asked in the past 5 interviews which I have cleared for jobs.
  • Companies look for Effective Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Knowledge of the field, Confidence and Past extra-curricular activities in a fresher.


 Message you would like to give to BMS students:
  • First answer the question “What exactly I want to do in my life?”
  • Focus all your energy and efforts towards that goal of your life.
  • The way every company has its vision and mission which directs the future of the company, similarly each individual should know his vision and mission of life.
Career prospects for BMS students:
  • If someone wants to be an entrepreneur then work for startups. It will help gain lots of cross-functional experience.
  • If someone is looking for a good job in best companies then MBA from good college is recommended.
  • If someone wants to work after BMS then  join as an intern in good company and there are very good chances to become an employee of the same company.
  • There is a lot of scope to work with E-commerce and social media companies for BMS students.

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