Attraction? Commitment? Love? The Changing Phase of Modern Relationships



“Pick up your phone” “Who are you with?” “Damn it”. Such locutions are inevitable whether in a washroom or in a local train or sometimes even with your friends, you know why because it is India. In India, we do everything as if we have cracked a mountain and now we own it.

Believe me, we Indians are extremely possessive people and we want everything, just because of this squabbling nature a relationship is nothing but just a way to relieve our anger.


Let me start at the very beginning, ‘Love’ as we speak happens with an unsolicited and an unexpected manner, we wouldn’t even know if it were coming. Then comes the romance and getting intimate, along further progress we have our beloved friend ‘Trust’ and his father-in-law ‘Commitment’ this is where all the troubles start coiling, where a girl is desperate for a commitment and the guy wants more time. Then from here problems starts clouding the relationship with the exception of some special cases where it is there from the very beginning.

  Being said that, I am not a stupendous surveillance who can remark every other relation in this world but this is coming from the troubles from what I have witnessed.


With due assurance, I can say that there are relationship which show a fruitful side of love. And I can only imagine the bond between those two loved ones who have each other’s back always and forever. And believe me everyone expects their guy or girl to be that ‘special one’ because everyone has only one life. (I wouldn’t know if you people believe in life after death)

   There is something I would like to share, my personal experience. When I started the prep for my HSC I met a girl, I fell in love but at the very beginning I made it clear that I do not want to commit. She was okay with it, everything was magical and pink and took me to a joyride. But… After a year her mom stepped in, then came the questions about my family, my career, since I just walked out of the JCs I was excited and wanted to be free but every time I met her or even called her, her mom would intrude the conversation and gave me unwelcomed you-should-find-some-work-beta quotes that made me little uncomfortable around her, and I felt a little awkward, but still we managed in order to keep the tension beneath the waist. Then things kept on boiling and one day her mother told me “Give me your commitment now, find some work because I want to find a good well-settled boy for my daughter”. There, things went south ways we happily parted ways.

  Now, after reading this, I am pretty sure you people have got a clear picture for what I am implying.

   So here, I would conclude saying that if a guy is not committing to you it’s not because he wants someone else apart from you, or is just not serious about the relationship. I would say that he wants to have a happy life with you and in order to do that there are some things that should be taken care of, there are some responsibilities, there are some ladders, and there are some struggles he needs to face alone, so your head stays on his shoulders and not in your hands.

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