Auction Related Services


Auction escrow services:

An independent party that holds a buyer’s payment until the buyer receives the purchased item and is satisfied that the item is what the seller represented it to be.


 Auction directory and information services:

Offer guidance for new auction participants and helpful hints and tips for more experienced buyers and sellers along with directories of online auction sites.


Auction software:

For sellers, these companies offer software and services that can help with or automate tasks such as image hosting, advertising, page design, bulk repeatable listings, feedback tracking and management, report tracking, and email management. For buyers, a number of companies sell auction sniping software. Sniping software observes auction progress until the last second or two of the auction clock. Just as the auction is about to expire, the sniping software places a bid high enough to win the auction.


Auction consignment services:

Take an item and create an online auction for that item, handle the transaction, and remit the balance of the proceeds after deducting a fee that ranges from 10 percent to 40 percent of the selling price obtained. Items that do not sell are returned or donated to charity.

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