CAT 2015 analysis and review
CAT 2015 review Verbal 1(34 questions). Major surprise was high weightage given to Reading Comprehension (RCs). 24 Questions on RC spread over 5 passages were...
CAT 2015 review Verbal 1(34 questions). Major surprise was high weightage given to Reading Comprehension (RCs). 24 Questions on RC spread over 5 passages were...
Kartik Kothari’s – Head Academics, IDEAL CREDence
Directions for questions (49 to 52): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: P, Q, R, S, T, V and...
Directions for questions (46 to 48): These questions are based on the following information. (i) ‘P × Q’ means ‘P is brother of Q’. ...
Directions for Questions (41 to 45) : 41. 8 24 12 ? 18 54 (1) 28 (2) 36 (3) 46 (4) 38 ...
33. Out of 30 students in a class, 14 students were taller than 5 feet. On a class picnic in an amusement park, there was...
Directions for questions (29 to 31): These questions are based on the following data. There were a hundred schools in a town. Of these,...
Directions for questions (18 to 21): The following table gives the national income and the population of a country for the years 1984-85 to 1989-90....
From ancient times, men have believed that, under certain peculiar circumstances, life could arise spontaneously: from the ooze of rivers could come eels and from...
The highest priced words are ghost-written by gagmen who furnish the raw material for comedy over the air and on the screen. They have a...