BMS graduates are more interested in salary and jobs rather than BMS as a course
I think this is a controversial statement which says BMS graduates are interested in salary and jobs and not BMS as a course. I think...
I think this is a controversial statement which says BMS graduates are interested in salary and jobs and not BMS as a course. I think...
BUSINESS IS LIKE WAR———Doesn’t this statement make you to think that is there going to be world war-3…….. Business in today’s economy is a power...
I will not give report of some surveyist what he/she surveyed but ask you a question as India is democratic country aur youngistan ki awaz...
2012 a rumour or reality??? Its natural that if the world is started it will end up one day. But when is it on 2012????...
It’s a big question in the corporate world or a common question going in our minds about hard work vs smart work……… Hard working is...
“Criticism” —- by hearing this word, people can only think of negative criticisms…. For example—if a topic or situation is given,some stay silent some are...
A highly respected philosopher has said that the seven sins of current times are:- Ø Business without morality Ø Politics without principles Ø Education without...
NICOTINE is an alkaloid made by plants. It is really bitter tasting poison that is stored in the leaves and stems of the plants. It...
“Education means to draw out virtue”. Education in India is not for bread or money oriented but it should be life-oriented. Education is not the...
“Education means to draw out virtue”. Education in India is not for bread or money oriented but it should be life-oriented. Education is not the...