International Finance Important Question Bank 2014 – Quest Tutorials
Long Answer Questions: Chapter 1 (1) The Current Account of the Balance of Payments is the key to establised foreign currency demand/supply equilibrium. Discuss....
Long Answer Questions: Chapter 1 (1) The Current Account of the Balance of Payments is the key to establised foreign currency demand/supply equilibrium. Discuss....
1. What is ethos? What are the distinctive characteristics of Indian Ethos? 2. „Unity in Diversity‟ is one of the most important features of Indian...
CH 1: 1. Meaning & Definition of entrepreneur 2. Characteristics of Ideal Entrepreneur 3. Qualities of an Entrepreneur 4. Definition of Entrepreneurship 5. Nature &...
Linear Programming Problem (LPP) Q.1. What are additivity, proportionality and continuity in LPP? (Nov 2012) Q.2. When does a simplex solution to a Linear Programming...
Long answer questions: 1. Explain classical theory of international trade? 2. How packaging forms a part of product planning? 3. Enumerate the method of market...
Long answer questions Explain the role of retailer in a distribution channel What are the functions of a retailer? Differences between services and merchandise...
Tax Saving Investments. Present Value of Annuity. Primary market Secondary Market Technical Analysis Dividend Discount Model. Price Earnings Ratio Model Initial Public Offer (IPO) Non...
SPECIAL STUDIES IN FINANCE N.B.: 1) Section I is compulsory. (60 marks) 2) In Section II solve any 3 out of 4 questions. 2hrs....
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT N.B.: 1) Section I is compulsory. (60 marks) 2) In Section II solve any 3 out of 4 questions. 2hrs. ...
INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Concepts/short notes 1. Tax Saving Investments. 2. Present Value of Annuity. 3. Primary market 4....