

Autism is the incapacity of the child to develop him/her physically or mentally. Mainly it creates disturbance for the child in developing his/hers social skills, communicating skills (it may be both verbal and non-verbal communicating skills).the person affected from autism responds abnormal to the sensations or situations. These make the persons behavior abnormal. Generally autism is known as a spectrum disorder, because the symptoms of autism starts with small issues in child and later grows or develops into a multiple problems which makes them behave unusual to people around.

The problem of autism typically occurs in the first three years of life of the person. It may occur alone or sometime occurs along with problems such as mental retardation or seizures. Autism is the third most known disorder, which is more common, then a down syndrome.

The autistic person is just alike other Child.  Only the thing is they may either have high IQ then a normal child or else would be the same as normal child or person. The autistic person can carry out his daily routine like others in a normal way as if seeking education, working, etc. the main problem lies is with expressing self. They find it difficult to mix with the people around. Usually, the autistic child is hyperactive; they like to do things repeatedly. They would not prefer playing with toys and other such objects. Autism affected child is able to recite poems, sing songs, etc. but they may not be able to do activity which requires social skills.

Researchers indicate that anything, which damages to the structural or functional of the central nervous system, can cause autism. There is no specific cause behind autism. Certain viruses and genetic conditions may also be the reason behind autism.

Early intervention, before the child is five, is especially crucial to the child’s progress. This is why an early and accurate diagnosis is so important. Lots of therapies and treatments are introduced for autism but none of them has being proven. There is no specific cause of autism. Hence, Finding, its solution or treatment is much more difficult for the researcher. The only consistent effective treatment, which we can give for autistic child, is a structured training program; for which, a combination of a good school and parent training is must. Currently there is no a specific machine or tests through which we can measure the severity of autism in child. Depending on the affected child’s individual ability and the correctness and intensity of intervention he or she receives, children with Autism can lead relatively independent lives.

Therefore, autism is a condition that affects all aspects of a person’s behavior and development. Hence, to help the autistic person become integrated into society, it is important to focus on the development of social, communicative and adaptive skills of the person.

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).