Automobile Review – Bajaj Platina Worth Your Money?

The Bajaj Platina seems to be a premium product. It has great looks and comes in four different colours like long beach blue, cocktail red, slate grey and black maroon. It is a 125 cc bike with DTS-Si engine. It has great benefits to the rider like the Twin Spark technology coupled with 125 cc displacement creates a great combination of 125 cc power and 100 cc mileage.It has Exhaust TEC which ensures a less use of clutch and gearshifts which results in higher mileage.
It has a maintenance free battery which is a 5 Ah battery. Also  combined with a unique vent mechanism for releasing gases formed during charging.It leads to less spilllage and lower maintenance cost ensuring longer battery life. It also comes in with a low battery indicator. It also has a battery protector unit. Thus it avoids drainage of battery by preventing headlamp from switching on until the engine is started.
It has ride control switch which has a very senaitive throttle which ensures a smooth and safe ride. The rider can not only be relaxed but also does not have to strain his hands while driving.
It also comes in with an auto choke which helps hassle-free start even in cold weather. Manual pulling of lever is not required which makes it a lot more easy. It also comes in at a very economical price of R. 36,784. It is a great use for the busy Mumbai roads full of traffic and unwanted obstacles.
– Kashmeera Tambe

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