Automobile Review- KTM 390 Duke, We Totally Recommend!

ktm duke 390
The new KTM 390 Duke is manufactured by Bajaj Auto in collaboration with the Australian manufacturer KTM. Is is a 373.2 cc with 4-stroke which is water-cooled single. It has a top speed of 169 km/h and a power of 43hp.
The 2012 EICMA show in Milan, Italy saw it’s debut. It aims to sell in 80 countries across the world.
Though it sells thrice the price in India, it finds many takers. It seems to be ideal for the young bikers and can wade through the monsterous traffic jams of Mumbai. It has a sporty look which generates confidence and style in riders. While it may be a boon to the regular riders, amateurs are recommended to stay away especially first-timers.
India Autocar Awards quoted ” with a top speed of 160 km/h and a 0 to 100km/h time of 5.5 seconds, the 390 Duke is the fastest motorcycle made in India as of January 2014.
It has a primary gear ratio of 30:80 where as a secondary gear ratio of 15:45. It comes with a liquid cooling system with a continuous circulation of cooling liquid with water pump. The clutch comes with wet multi-disc clutch which is mechanically operated.The ignition system is contactless, well-controlled fully electronic ignition system with digital ignition timing adjustment.
The fresh orange and white gives a classic sporty look and makes it look stylish. This is a perfect buy for all those looking out for fun and adventure rolled in together. We totally recommend!
– Kashmeera Tambe

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