Avoid greetings involving physical contact,doctors say


2014-06-07-01-05-47-2051307979                                                               Doctors have advised against kissing or hugging people who are suffering from cough and a cold saying that it is a basic precaution against viruses.                                                                                                           But they said it is premature to say that such public greetings should be stopped because of the fear of Mers – CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).Mers – CoV is a respiratory virus similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus that infected about 8,000 people,and cause nearly 800 deaths across the world in late 2002 and early 2003. Globally,more than 400 people have been infected by Mers – CoV since the virus surfaced in September 2012 ,and more than 100 people have died from it.                                                                                   Doctors have advised to stop the nose-to-nose greeting.This  is because most pathogens that affect the respiratory systems are transmitted through close contact with infected persons and contaminated surfaces. So do take care.                                                                                                                                                                              -MISBAAH MANSURI

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