Awesome Study Guide For You To Score Maximum In Production And Material Management




What is Production?


The process used to convert inputs into outputs is termed as production. These inputs such raw materials or semi-finished goods are transformed using different processes and methods. This output that is created or produced has an exchange value to it which can be sold and remuneration earned.

What is Material Management?


Materials management deals with the procurement, planning and movement of materials. It works the entire supply chain and ensures that the appropriate quantity and quality of materials is available at all times without any glitches or hold-ups.

Quality control is an important aspect of material management which can be followed by the entire process of purchasing and ordering parts, shipping, warehousing, etc..

What is PMM as a Whole?


When you study this subject you will come across a lot of concepts that will act as a base to your further education and understanding of various subjects of BMS. One of these being Production and quality management of semester 4 and Logistics and Supply chain management of semester 5; both of which are very essential. The fundamentals of production, different methods of quality control and material management, transport and supply of materials are all very essential and this subject gives you the basic knowledge of all of these essential concepts.

Why do I need to Study this Subject?


We need to study this subject as it is the base of two very crucial subjects in BMS and this is the strongest reason for us to study the subject. Apart from this subject teaches us about cost management and cost allocation for production and materials which can be learnt and applies to different aspects of business studies and hence is of high importance. This subject also has a wide scope for your further studies and so you should study it well so that you understand it and if you do end up liking it then it will open up wide vistas for your future.

Is it Difficult?

No, PMM is not at all difficult to understand.

It is a complete Theory subject?

Yes, it is completely a theory subject but the concepts are interesting if understood.

Is it Boring?

Well that depends on whether you are soft skills person or a hands-on person. A soft skills person is more likely to prefer being a lawyer, a teacher or a profession that basically involves a lot of their communication skills and strategizing abilities like maybe a marketing executive or an accountant. But if you are the hands-on type you will enjoy a field job and like working in the actual factory or production premises by supervising or keeping track of work flow or in a similar position. If you are the latter obviously this subject will make you very happy if you are the former then too this subject can be quite interesting provided you put it into the right perspective.  

What is the Syllabus?

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  1. Introduction to the concepts of operations and Operations
  2. Management Development of Production Function.
  3. Relation of Production with other functions like design function, purchase function, plant layout maintenance etc.
  4. Product Classification, Product selection (steps for identifying
    the product for manufacturing),
  5. Product development (market pull, technology push, inter functional approach).
  6. Brief description / importance of Research, Development and
  7. Design of a Product
  8. Facilities planning (how much to produce, level of automation,
    facilities required for manufacturing, where to produce
    arranging required facilities how to produce etc).
  9. Production System
  10. Plant Layout Differences between various types-of layout
    (Product layout, Process layout, Cellular layout, Static of layout
  11. Various types of Material Handling Systems.
    Their guidelines /principles, distinguishing features uses
  12. Overview of various types of maintenance systems
  13. Meaning / Functions Nature of Production, Planning & Control
  14. Importance of Materials Management (corporate policy,
    organization, research, planning, source selection)
  15. Value analysis and Value Engineering
  16. Purchase management importance of purchasing various R’s
    of purchasing systems.
  17. Need for forecasting price / policy on seasonal commodities
    and capital equipments.
  18. Simple problems on various types of forecasting including exponential smoothing.
  19. Inventory management, its prime importance in our country
  20. Inventory Control Techniques – ABC, FSN, GOLF, VED, SOS,
    HML, Make-or-buy decisions. Problems on ABC analysis.
  21. Warehousing and stores management.
  22. Centralized and decentralized stores.
  23. Brief introduction to various methods of stores accounting.
  24. Need for stock verification.
  25. Management of scrap / waste / surplus / obsolete materials.
  26. JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, Push V/s Pull concept.
  27. Materials Requirement Planning.
  28. Explanation of EOQ – its advantages / limitations
  29. Types of inventory systems (P-system and the
    Q-system). Need for safety stock / reserve stock.
    (Simple problems on these topics.)
  30. Techniques of SQC.
  31. Control Charts X-bar chart, RChart,
    P-Chart, C-Chart, Graphical representation.
    (Direct problems on them)

 You can find the detailed syllabus and a list of the reference books right Here – Detailed syllabus!

Where can I find Reference Notes for the Subject?

How should I Study this Subject?


Long term study pattern:

If you wish to study this subject properly and score well then you need to adopt a long term study schedule. Attend your lectures regularly and then come home re-read and finally make notes in a way that key points are highlighted so that all you have to do during exam time is read these key points and your revision is done.

Your time slot can for one hour a day when you have had lectures in college and one hour everyday for a week when you are revising for internal exams. If you study thoroughly then before the external exams too you will need to revise this subject for 15-20 days by putting in one and half hour daily.

Last Minute Study Pattern:

If you are picking up your book at the last day/ week/ fortnight you are an LMS student and in such a case you will have a lot of pending work from other subjects to catch up on too! Then you can adopt this policy:

  1. Read the entire chapter and understand it which won’t be very difficult in this subject.
  2. Important questions from your college faculty/ other college papers and learn those question answers.
  3. If you have attended lectures then this becomes easy if not then do this exercise then go to a friend who has and collectively get all your doubts solved, not wasting a lot of your friend’s time too!

Further Study Options:

If you like this subject then you can take up an MBA specialization in ‘Operations Management’  or any course of specialization in production and materials management which are available across many universities today.

Career Options:

People with knowledge of production and material management are highly needed in various production industries across the country and with an impetus to ‘Make in India’ these production and manufacturing industries will surely get a huge boost which is why making a career in this field is a very lucrative opening for anyone who wishes to do so in the current market scenario in India.

Work Hard, Score Well and All the Best! 🙂



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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