Awesome Things You Didn’t Know About England



England is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is one of the biggest industrial and metropolitan countries, but it is also popular for tourists. It is regarded as one of the most popular countries which tourists like to visit. Whether there the beautiful cities like London, or the popularity of Football, Cricket or the English culture it is one attractive travel destination.


There are national parks, beaches in England which are spectacular. The English culture and its history is vast and massive which people love to know. There is the Big Ben in London.  This 150 year old clock has become an attractive destination. The Stonehenge is one of the most important spot which travelers should visit. It is not known who made it for what purpose but it is said in 2500 BC it was made and was used as religious monument. When it comes to England, you just cannot forget about castles and palace. There is the Windsor Castle which is said to be the biggest and oldest castle in the planet.


England is also popular for its sports. Football is the most popular sport in England and the World and The English Premier League is the most watched league in the world. When it comes to England, Football is everything there. Whether you go to Liverpool, London or Manchester you will find Football Stadiums, Museums, and the Culture. Same way Cricket is another popular sport in England and ‘the Lords’ regarded as the Mecca of cricket is the greatest cricket ground where every cricketer in the world dreams to play once in a lifetime.

So you got a glimpse of how great a country England is, so pack your bags for your next foreign tour to England.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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