Awesome Tips For A Healthy Monsoon!


We surely love rainy season for it relives us from the months of scorching heat, but it also brings diseases like cold, cough, indigestion, malaria, dysentery, food poisoning etc. It is important to eat right and boost our metabolism and immunity level. Due to the increasing humidity in the atmosphere and the dull weather we are mostly confined to our home. This affects our digestive system as we are not much active.

So what are the foods that would give our system protection?

1. Eat fresh foods. Fresh produce loaded with Vitamin C, for example Amlas, Oranges, Lemon, Broccoli, Strawberries, tomatoes etc. acts as antioxidants that boost our immunity.


2. Also, spicing your food with cumin, turmeric, asafoetida, ginger, garlic etc. supplements digestion and helps in immunity.


3. Nuts like Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts; Pistachios etc. have moderate level of Antioxidants.


4. Limit your intake of Salt. Avoid Pickles and Papads etc., as they contain too much salt (as Preservative). Salt is a major factor for Water Retention (Excessive build-up of fluids in the circulatory system, body tissues, and cavities).
5. Drink Plenty of Water. This may sound a bit contradictory, but it helps your kidneys to flush out excessive fluids.

6. Consumption of food like roti made of Makai aata, or Jowar; pulses like chickpeas, food made with gram flour (besan), cereals like Oats etc. help keep inside fluids dry.
7. Having green tea instead of normal tea increases the antioxidant levels.
8. Vegetables like Karela, Methi, Turai etc. offer your body resistance against infections.

9. Wash the fruits and Vegetables thoroughly in water especially leafy vegetables likes Spinach, Cabbage, Methi etc. steam your salad slightly instead of eating it raw.

monsooon food (1)
10. Onion juice sweetened with sugar or honey is a traditional remedy for cough and cold.
11. Ginger has antiviral properties. Intake of ginger in any form subsidizes cough symptoms.
12. Garlic is known to have antimicrobial and anti-bacterial components that are efficient in treating coughs.
13. Honey mixed in Milk is good for dry cough. This combination reduces chest pains experienced during prolonged coughing.
14. ½ tsp turmeric in warm milk gives relief from cough.

So enjoy the Rain pours while taking precaution of your diet and health.

Stay Healthy.

– Harshali Amin.

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