Awesome Tips For Rocking The Printed Pants Trend


Tips For Rocking The Printed Pants Trend


If aren’t much of a fashion freak and don’t know how to pull off printed pants so it’s no great task!You don’t have to hit the panic button.Here are tips which will help you in the same.

Tips and Tricks for Rocking Patterned Pants :-    

Start conservatively. If bold patterns aren’t your thing, you can still participate by looking for bottoms with subtle details, like tiny polka dots, pinstripes, or tie-dyed designs.Try leopard print. Leopard print bottoms are very popular, so they’re another great option if you just want to stick your toe in the water with this trend. See our post on how to wear leopard print pants for ideas!Consider the cut. Printed pants with flared bottoms can look a little dated (think of a leisure suit from the ’70s), but patterned trousers can look preppy and even business-casual when styled correctly. While printed harem-style or flowy pants are hot on street style blogs, they can be hard to pull off in real life. The easiest and most flattering way to rock this trend is with a skinny cut pant.Elongate your legs. This can be done in many ways, but wearing heels or wedges is probably the easiest and most fool-proof fix. Ballet flats will look great also, especially with cropped styles. Avoid flat ankle boots here — they can make you look stumpy.Keep your top half simple. Solid colors and slimming silhouettes will nicely complement the boldness of your pants.Think about the pattern itself.Horizontal stripes can be tricky, as can anything with too many loud colors be.Always pair your printed leggings with a tunic or a simple dress that covers your butt. You don’t want to leave yourself vulnerable to ridicule or an embarrassing camel-toe situation!Sometimes patterned bottoms can have a tendency to look like pajama pants, especially if you go with a chino-styled cut. Counteract this by pairing them with something neat and dressy up top — a dress shirt and blazer would accomplish this perfectly!Be confident! As with almost every fashion trend, those around you can sense whether you feel good in something or not. Carry yourself with some swag— people will admire your bold sense of style!

  Tips For Rocking The Printed Pants Trend 1

Pants, Top, Blazer, Shoes, Tote

This outfit is a perfect “snappy casual” look, which would be great for office hours with  or a casual work setting. Multi-colored patterns don’t have to just be paired with neutrals. Pair these pants with a top that’s the same color as any of the hues on the pants, and you’ll look fresh and put together. Add a blazer for a sharp look, and finish with heels and a structured bag.


Pants, Sweater, Shoes, Turband, Clutch

Tie-dyed pants are a great way to rock this trend without going over-the-top. Jeans like these would look awesome with a knit sweater like the one shown above. Don’t worry about the sweater looking dull — you can make it edgy by adding a studded clutch and wedge sneakers! Finish the look with a trendy turband.


Pants, Sweater, Shoes, Ring, Earrings

If you’re a street style junkie then go for geoometric-patterned jeggings which will look urban and hip with an edgy cut-out tunic sweater. Keep the trendy vibe going with  a spiky ring. Finish with simple earrings.




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Riya Lokhande


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