Awesome Tips To Help You Talk To Your BMS Seniors Confidently


confidence tips

Grad School is very much different than junior college or school. It’s the time where you have to and need to act very mature in making friends/acquaintances, making decisions related to your career. Everyone of us, had a ball in junior college and school, we would act so damn weird in school,  that it sounds like an opposite inception, if we compare our school days with our grad school, don’t you agree?

In conclusion, once you enter a BMS college, start working up your mind in a very diplomatic manner, think like the college is your organization and the students are your colleagues, so you cannot act emotional with them where you disclose all your personal matters with them, at the end of the day, it’s them with whom you need to have group presentations done so you need to be very accommodative and co-operative, when dealing with them.

Also, Teachers are the most essential part of that organization (imaginery organization :P), they act as your superiors, hence you need to listen to what they say, give them that awe and respect, it’s through them that you get the contacts of your seniors.

confidence tips

My Experience :

When I was in FYBMS, I made sure that I had a good rapport with my teachers (superiors) and once I achieved that, I tried making new friends. Due to this, I started getting few contacts of my seniors, not much, 2 or 3. We had this seminar in our college where all the CR’s of every division had to volunteer in different departments (i.e. Creative team, Hospitality Team, Technical team). Being the CR of my division, I was appointed as a fellow member in the creative team. I had to meet up with my fellow members and the leader of the team almost everyday, because of this, those seniors had turned into acquaintances for me.

confidence tips

So, here are some tips that I learnt through this small experience because honestly even I didn’t have the guts to speak to my seniors, as I and also other students, had this notion that they may try to underestimate us, make fun of us, something that could turn our BMS year into a bad dream.

1. Have a smile on your face

Always have a smile on your face when any acquainted senior goes by, this makes them feel good and chirpy and the same goes with you. This in turn increases, so they may wave up a hand some day or wish you morning.

2. Try not to be hard on them

Never try to show your weight around your seniors even if you are famous in the whole of your class, that can count up as “Yeh faaltu ka attitude dikhata hai, don’t talk to him”, this thing goes from one mouth to another mouth and you could come out an unpopular student in college.

3. Always co-operate

Those are the magic words ✴. Always try to co-operate with your seniors when you are working together maybe for a function, seminar, a college ceremony, etc. It brings the urge in them to invite you in every activity that they do as they feel at ease when you work with them compared to other juniors.

4. Even if you’ve had a bad experience, never back-bitch

Try not to back-bitch about that particular senior with whom you’ve had a bad experience. If you do the contrary, then it may turn out as a cold war.

5. Have a good rapport with the teachers

If you have a good rapport with the teachers, the teachers introduce you to the seniors when they have to conduct a college ceremony, function in order to create team spirit among them.

And don’t worry, those seniors were once at your stage too. So there’s nothing inferior or superior between you’ll. Be cool, don’t be shy or naive. The years you spend in a BMS college gives many great, enterprising memories where you don’t think about that incident, you learn from it.

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Bushra Shaikh

Food and Baking Enthusiast, An avid follower of the 80's music, fictional novels and The Hunger Games.