B.M.S. – M.B.A. (Integrated) Syllabus of Mumbai University



BMS-MBA (Integrated) is a 5-year course offered by Mumbai University. Students who have completed their H.S.C. can appear for Mumbai University Common Management Entrance Test (MUCMET) and after successfully passing the exam  can seek admission to the course. Mumbai University Common Entrance Test (MUCMET) is held at University of Mumbai’s Thane Sub-Campus located at Balkum, Runwal Garden, Thane-Bhiwandi Road, Near Balkum Octroi Naka, Thane – 400608. The fees for BMS –MBA (Integrated) course is Rs. 50,000/- per year.

Here we present B.M.S. – M.B.A. (Integrated) Syllabus of Mumbai University:

Year 1

Semester 1:

  1. Business Organization
  2. Business Communication Skills
  3. Business Mathematics
  4. Computer Fundamentals and Applications
  5. Micro Economic Foundations
  6. Financial Accounting
  7. Environment Management


Semester 2:

  1. Macro-Economic Foundations
  2. Presentation Skills
  3. Principles of Management
  4. Business Statistics
  5. Economic and Business Legislation
  6. Database Management Systems
  7. Corporate Accounting


Year 2:

Semester 3:

  1. Business Taxation
  2. Business Etiquettes
  3. Disaster Management
  4. Corporate Leadership
  5. Business Environment
  6. Cost and Management Accounting
  7. Advanced Information Technology


Semester 4:

  1. Indian Financial Systems
  2. Indian Business Legends
  3. Developing Managerial Skills
  4. Fundamentals of International Business
  5. Company Law
  6. Research Methodology
  7. Computer Networks and Web Development


Year 3:

Semester 5:

  1. Financial Management
  2. Operations Management
  3. Managerial Economics
  4. Emotional Intelligence
  5. Organizational Behaviour
  6. System Analysis and Design
  7. Business Process Outsourcing


Semester 6:

  1. Advance Management Concepts
  2. Banking Operations Management
  3. Business Ethics – Workshop
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Human Resource Management
  6. Small Business Management
  7. Event Management


Year 4:

Semester 7:

  1. International Business Operations
  2. Operations Research
  3. Cross Cultural Management
  4. Management Information System
  5. Knowledge Management
  6. Facilities Management
  7. Specialization – 1
  8. Specialization – 2


Semester 8:

  1. Strategic Management
  2. Supply Chain Management
  3. E-Business
  4. Business Research Methods
  5. Specialization – 1
  6. Specialization – 1
  7. Specialization – 2
  8. Specialization – 2


Year 5:

Semester 9:

  1. Corporate Governance
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Business Negotiation Skills
  4. Summer Training Report
  5. Specialization – 1
  6. Specialization – 1
  7. Specialization – 2
  8. Specialization – 2


Semester 10:

  1. Crisis Management
  2. Business Process Reengineering
  3. Project Report
  4. Comprehensive Viva Voce
  5. Specialization – 1
  6. Specialization – 1
  7. Specialization – 2
  8. Specialization – 2


For further details, you can contact the University of Mumbai, Thane Sub-Campus, Balkum, Thane (West) or contact at 022-25339323

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