Back In Black: Ways To Pair Your Black Tee In Style!


black t cover

It isn’t difficult to transform your plain black tee into a key piece of versatility… Don’t believe me? Here are the ways you can do it:

1) A black t-shirt paired with a khaki or denim shorts is an easy, pulled-together look for summer. To complete the voguish outfit add simple black flats and tasteful metal bangle bracelets.

2) You can layer it under a gray, dark red, purple or green cardigan during the chilled weather scenes and pair it with jeans or gray corduroy pants.

3) Pair a fitted black tee with cropped jeans in a dark wash. A thin neck scarf, over sized sunglasses and wedge sandals for a easy-to-go vibe.

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4) You can tuck a black t-shirt into a high-waisted skirt that hits above the knee. You can try a pencil skirt, circle skirt or mini. A black or gray one is a reliable option.

A brightly colored skirt in red or blue is vibrant and eye-catching. Wear it with patterened or opaque black tights for a cool weather.

5) For a daring formal look, tuck a fitted black tee into a dramatic floor-length skirt. Add on a hoop or stud earrings,a metallic cuff bracelet and metallic flats for a bit of shimmer.

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6) For a summer night out , wear the black tee with black shorts.  Also pair chunky silver jewelry and gladiator sandals.For a cooler weather, wear it with black pants.

7) You can transition it into a black dress by tucking it into a high-waisted pencil skirt which will help you create a sleek silhouette.You can tuck a fitted scoopneck or a V-neck black tee. Top with  a  colourful silk scarf, chic stud earrings and a satin clutch.

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8) For a formal affair, you can add a smart blazer over your plain black tee.

The black tee gives you umpteem chances to experiment and makes layering so much fun! If you don’t have one, go and grab it!


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Riya Lokhande


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