BAG-IT: Bag Trends To Follow This Monsoon!



Gone are the days to flaunt them cotton tote bags  this monsoon is all about the splitter –splatter …Need a fix yet stay in style .Here, are a few bag trends to  follow

Transparent Bags:

transperant bags 2

This season be prepared to flaunt not only your bag yet your make up and other stuff in your bag.Even better you want to find a lost phone in your bag ?? and don’t want to go through the never ending maze in your bag all you have to do is just take a look at the transparent screen in your bag…

Neon Tote  Bags:

neon bags

Monsoon for sure is known for its dull demeanor here is your chance to flaunt your favorite neon colours be it neon pink, neon green, neon yellow all colours are welcome to pep up your neon bags this season. But make sure it is a waterproof material or else the rains will make sure for a spillover!!!

Bucket Totes

bucket tote bag

U don’t want to let go of the tote fashion and yet revamp a new trend what are you waiting for flaunt the bucket totes. They are chic yet  classic …


transperant bags

Tired of handling your umbrella in one hand and your bag strip in the other the satchels bags are a perfect option made for the girl on the go

So all you ladies what are you waiting for ??.. Revamp the bag show and yet Be the fashion. However do remember to enjoy the monsoon as well.


– Kashmeera Tambe!

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