Bahamas – your Perfect Holiday Destination!


Planning a vacation abroad? Need peace of mind and fresh air to energize you?? Want to give your eyes and yourself the pleasure of some breath-taking Natural beauty??? Then maybe you should plan a trip to The Bahamas.

Reasons to Visit the Bahamas:

Comprised of 700 islands (yes…700) over 100,000sq miles of ocean, starting just 50 miles off the coast of Florida, The Bahamas is like no other place on Earth. The archipelago, an ecological oasisfeatures cays and boasts the cleanest waters on the planet. It is a place where the whole family can enjoy.  Beaches, boating & sailing, diving, private flying, shopping, sightseeing, water sports….. Well you name it & Bahamas has got it.

1) Beaches


There are ‘n’ number of beaches for you to choose from.  With calm, turquoise waters and smooth powdery sand, Bahamas has some of the best beaches in the world. Famous for its pristine beaches, Bahamas gives you a perfect relaxing holiday. You can spend your time tanning in the sun, splashing in the beach water or running up and down the beaches and if this has got you worked up, you can have a fulfilling appetite as there are plenty of restaurants available in the surrounding areas.

The most famous is Treasure Cay beach in The Abacos.

2) Atlantis—Paradise Island

atlantis 3

This is a world beyond extraordinary. It has vast array of activities and attractions.

Dolphin Bay– come enjoy a shallow water interaction with the Atlantis bottlenose Dolphins as you wade through the waist high water and refresh your mind. Touch, hug or even kiss this playful animals or just dive into warm water. Also there is Aquaventure, the 141 acre waterscape, featuring thrilling slides and river rides.  Also you can indulge yourself in for some treat at the renowned spas or go on a shopping spree. 

3) Lucayan National park-


Situated on Grand Bahama Island, this 40 acre National Park incorporates one of the largest underwater cave systems in the world. The visitors get a treat with all of the islands 6 ecosystems in one location. You get to see thousands of pine trees, dozens of rare flower including Orchids, mangroves, ferns etc. Gold Rock Beach and one of the longest underwater limestone caves can be seen at this National Park.

These are not even half of what you’ll see in the Bahamas.

It isn’t difficult to come up with things to do in the Bahamas. There are enriching activities and possibilities for limitless relaxation and so you should surely consider making the Bahamas the next stop on your travel itinerary. 

 – Harshali Amin


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