Banaras Hindu University MBA Admissions 2015


Banaras Hindu University

Important Dates:

The last date for submission of application forms is Wednesday, January 21, 2015.

Eligibility Criteria and Selection:

The applying candidates must have cleared their graduation or post graduation degree in any discipline or should have a degree in agriculture, technology, medicine, education or law from a recognized university or institute.  

The selection of the candidates for admission in MBA and MBA IB programs would be done on the basis of their CAT score, academic records and their performance in the Group Discussion and Personal Interview.

Application procedure: 

The interested and eligible candidates may obtain the application forms from the official website of the university. The candidates also need to submit a fee in the form of a demand draft of Rs. 1500/- (Rs. 800/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of The Registrar, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, payable at SBI BHU main branch (code no. 0211). The duly filled application form along with the attested copies of all the required documents and DD must be sent to The Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221005 (UP).


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