Bar Coding and Scanning


Bar Coding and Scanning

•Typical applications include tracking receipts at the warehouse and sales at the retail stores.
•Bar coding involves placement of readable codes on the items, cartons, containers and even railcars.
•These bar codes distinguish package size and flavours and reduce errors when receiving, handling, or shipping product.
•While the requirements of retailers are individual item, the shippers and carriers are concerned with contents of pallets, containers or cartons.
•It is important to include as much information as possible in the smallest area.
•The limitation, however, is “smaller and more compact codes increase the potential for scanning errors.”
•A scanner optically collects the bar code data and converts them to usable information.
•The applications of bar code and scanning are:
(a)Point-of-sales (POS) in retail stores, receipts, accurate inventory control, tracking of each stock-keeping unit (SKU) sold, replenishment, and providing timely information beneficial to all channel members.
(b)Facilitating material  handlers track product movement, storage location, shipments and receipts.

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