Basics of Financial Services Practice Question Paper 1


basics of financial services

Dear SYBMSites,

Financial Services are nothing but economic services that are provided by the finance industry. Finance services include credit unions, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, accountancy companies, consumer finance companies, stock brokerages, real estate funds, stock brokerages and few government sponsored organizations. Practicing Basics of Finance Services question paper online helps you to improve your ability to attend the semester exam with ease.

Here we present Basics of Financial Services Practice Question Paper 1:


Q.1      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What is underwriting?
  2. What do you mean by issue management?
  3. What is SEBI?

Q.2      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Write a note on Merchant Bankers.
  2. What is Hire-purchase financing?
  3. What are financial services? State a few financial services and explain it.

Q.3      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. What are the requirements for listing in National Stock exchange?
  2. Discuss the various types of leasing.
  3. Give the functions of SEBI.

Q.4      Answer the following. (any 1)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Explain the importance of mutual funds.
  2. Describe the basic principles of Life Insurance.

Q.5      Write short note on                                                                                                      (15)

  1. Asset-liability management
  2. Housing Finance.

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