Battling Obesity



Cafes…restaurants…canteens…food stalls or even at home.You just cannot stop obsessing over the wafting aroma of soaked parathas or mind-boggling  pizzas topped with plenty of cheese which produces breath-taking thrills. Even the mere mention of glossy,juicy,melt-in-the-mouth Rasgullas  are enough to make you drool.

It is evident that your romance with food is above everything for you.You might try to make some alterations by starving when you feel bogged down by those around you but is it the right way?For all it does is make you get relatively pale and weak. It does not help you get over those sinful,juicy temptations which will make it all the more worst for you.So don’t starve or diet,just do it right!Avoid junkies on a regular basis and add some luscious fruits to a delectable fruit bowl which won’t make you feel like you are even on a diet.Most of you’ll get obese because of untimely eating habits.You might eat only twice in a day but all that you gorge on are junkies so that’s obvious that you can’t expect a hourglass figure.

You have to change your eating habits by preparing an orderly schedule and savouring on healthy foods.I bet you’ll develop a taste for them!Don’t delay dinner.Going to sleep directly after eating is a strict no-no.Indulge in yoga and exercise and stay active.Many of you’ll might tend to give up or get disillusioned but all it takes is a iron-hard,strong,will-power and a never-say-die attitude.It’s not for a hourglass figure, to fit in that ravishing black outfit or to impress but to fall in love with yourself.To live a life free of any diseases.

While you are pacing ahead at a breakneck speed towards your tomorrows do not shirk from making every  effort possible to live healthy and battle obesity which might seem difficult but the strengh within you is of  much more intensity then the goal in front of you! I’m sure it is!

-Misbaah Mansuri

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