“Be bold and confident even if you are not, Attitude matters” says Amandeep Singh Virdi, BMS Graduate (2012 batch)






  • Tell us about yourself

Yo Fellas, I am Amandeep Singh Virdi, BMS graduate from Bunts Sangha’s Anna Leela College (Kurla). Well u might not have heard the name of this college, and that was the challenge as a BMS student to Make this name Famous. And How is a College Known, by its Students, right?

So Was very Excited when Started BMS. New People, New teachers, New Friends. Will discuss regarding this topic in the 3rd question.

Passion: Whenever I read or Hear Passion only one thing comes in my Mind.

“Bikes”  “Cars” “Race” “ MotoGp”  “Automobiles”

No Favourite book as of now other than college notes or textbooks or assignments 😛

Music is definitely Punjabi Music, sunte hi naachne ka mann kare.

Action Movies like Never Back Down etc are my Favourites.

Now coming to Ambition in Life – Always had interest in Marketing and Relationship Building.

I always Use KISS Strategy here i.e Keep It Simple and Safe.

I give my Best at whatever i Do.

Have a Dream of Being the First Sikh Superbiker and also to race on Isle of Man TT tracks once in my Lifetime.



  • Describe your BMS College and what is the 1 thing you would like to change in your college?

As said earlier, My college is Located at Buntara Bhavan Marg, Kurla. The first thing i liked about my college was the Infrastructure.. The best Classroom i have seen so far in any of the colleges.

Canteen was a bit let Down as the kitchen was open and it used to be hot in there.

Hardly Any hangout Places as it was near to the Highway. Ab highway par kya hangout kare.

We got used to it and the college premises were a hangout place for us.

The Crowd in college was acceptable. There were some who were really serious and confident.

The best part of the college was the faculty and the teaching style. Thare was not even a single teacher who didn’t gave live and practical examples on all topics.

Textbooks were hardly used by the teachers. We were not the once rattofying. We knew the Concepts very well. That was the way we were taught.

As we were the Second batch of the College. There were only two companies that came for placement. Wipro and Navteq.

First year there was no College Festival. The first batch who passed out planned a Festival for our college and we named our inhouse festival as “Jallosh”

It was really awesome. and was possible only because of one professor “Mr. Harbir Singh”

He was the man behind the Show. It would never have been possible without him.

One thing that i would like to change about my college is the canteen and catering facility.



  • Share your most memorable moments at BMS College

Now coming to this question the very first day of college was interesting. I hardly knew anyone and for the first time in a Girl upfrontly asked for Friendship with me. Woow! And we still are best Friends. That was a memorable moment.

The Favourite lecture used to be of Harbir Sir. He never used textbooks and only gave us practical examples and made us do Various exercise.

My First Presentation in College was the most nervously exciting moment. Everyone was nervous about presenting in front of the class and were also making me nervous too.

I got Irritated and gather all my team members we made a circle and i said loudly “Yo Fellas This is it! No fear they are just Small Crowd. Wear the Jacket of Confidence upon your Nervousness.”

And Lo! Our First Presentation got a Standing ovation from the teacher.

My complete team gave the credit to me. As i was the only one in the team who motivated, made the PPT being awake all night and it was me who decided the topic.

Then i got to know that Confidence is Just like a Jacket U Wear.



  • Where have you worked in the past and what & where are you currently working or doing?

Days passed by with presentations assignments and stuff, got bored of it. Had a thought of doing something different. I came in contact with Parvathy. Even i don’t remember how we met or came in contact.

I just remember that she used to tell me to write post for bms.co.in in the humor section. I had a Huge collection of those and carried with that.

She offered me an Internship opportunity at a startup company “BucketBolt”

And Lo ! I got selected in my first interview at bucketbolt as a “Student Brand Manager”

I Sold Textbooks to all my class mates and my seniors and juniors.

That opportunity made me realise what i m capable of and what are my interests in?

I was awarded as the “Student Brand Manager of the Year” by BucketBolt.

A standing Ovation from the Bucket Bolt Team and all interns.

It was really an Awesome moment and can never forget it. Thanks Parvathy for Providing me that Opportunity.

Then Last Sem came and the moment of 200 marks Project came. I was given the topic on Railways.

The Viva was the funny moment. The viva examiner saw the Title of my Project: “Railways – The Backbone of Mumbai” and asked “ohh do you think so?” “yes“ i replied confidently in a proud voice.

He went through the graphs and photos that i have done research on. He looked at the exhibition photos and said “Impressive..” took a Pause and said “I will ask you just one question to you.” I thought just one and said with a little low voice “Okay sir, Go ahead“

With one eyebrow Raised the examiner asked “How many People travel on an average in a 12 car train during Peak hour?”

ME with Confidence “Considering the actual Figures mentioned, seating capacity of 1100 and standees 2300, a 12 car train can accommodate 3400 people comfortably, but as you know train travelling in Mumbai are never comfortable and i suppose you also travel by train you might be having the idea regarding it, consider a rough Figure of 3700 on an average during peak hour”

The examiner kept Silent for a moment as if he was waiting for me to say something, but i kept quiet and he said “Thank You” and signed my Project and i scored 180 out of 200marks for the project.

The moment i came out of the Viva it was a celebrity feeling. All started asking “Kya hua and all” and when i said he asked me just one question. All replied, Pagal hai examiner, kuch bhi puchta hai. 😛 😛

Then after my exams final sem Exams i got bored within a week of my holidays. And updated my resume on Naukri.com and started exploring twitter.

I got one more internship opportunity at a social media Firm named “GoZoop”

Did an Internship with them for 3 months. It was really a good experience with the gozoop team and because of them i have huge influence on twitter today

You guys can follow me on twitter. Here’s my Handle @SikhLionz

Later on i moved with my Passion for Automobiles and currently Working in Sales and Marketing team of Honda.



  • What advice/tips do you have for BMS undergraduates and graduates?

BMS is something that polishes you for the real and Practical world that is outside the college premises. It makes you confident enough to speak your thought with a Clear Voice in Front of hundreds of People. BMS is about testing your own self and knowing where exactly do you stand and what are you capable of.

BMS makes you create your own identity. I was known as the Book Man in my College as i represented BucketBolt. It gives you the Edge.

If you are planning to pursue BMS or pursuing BMS i would say just two things.

First – Stay Bold and Confident even if you are not. (The Attitude Matters)

And second – Always be prepared for the Worst.








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