Be Confident – That’s the key to ‘O’ Grade in TYBMS Project Vivas!


Since the University Viva is going in all colleges till 12th January 2013, connected with students from different colleges to share their views of how their vivas went so that the remaining students can benefit out of their experiences.

We got in touch with Harshal Bhamare, TYBMS student of MCC College and this is what he got to say:

Few tips for Viva-Voce from today’s experience:

For all categories :
1) Be thorough with your topic.
2) Examiner can ask any damn thing from your blackbook.
3) Be ready with conclusion and recommendation.
4) Type of research used.
5) Findings of research.

Marketing students:
1) You ‘ll be asked to explain case studies, do some research work about advertisements and strategies.
2) For marketing it is very important to have knowledge about recent happenings.

Finance students :
1) You should know who is the finance minister.
2) Why finance ?
3) Which part of finance you are interested into.
4) For finance more of technical knowledge is asked.

Others/ General :
You will be asked to explain your whole project in short and then questions from that will b asked.

Be Confident. That’s the key to O Grade 😀 😉


For others the common questions asked were:
1. Why you selected this topic?
2. Explain your topic in context of present scenario
3. What are your recommendations?
4. How is your project useful to others?
5. How can youth be involved in this?
6. What is the future of the topic you have selected?
Today the examiner was highly focusing on the index and the contents of index. She was too good, friendly and gave time to think and answer for the questions. She asked for your views and not internet views and ab tak others mein sabko good hi bola hai… so others wale relaxed raho…:-):-)


Then we connected with Sankalp Singh, TYBMS student of Podar College who was “Balle Balle” after his viva 😛 Check below his experience –


It was a big day for all the BMS students who had 200 marks project Viva on Monday at R A Podar College, Matunga. We had worked really hard for our projects as our projects were very unique and different from other colleges. Still we were nervous about our Viva.

My number was at the last according to the list. The professor which came for viva was very friendly and knew we are nervous. The time the first person went in the classroom for viva, he just asked her for primary data and said Good Project.

We became relaxed and as the time passed on every person’s viva was great. Professor was very nice and friendly in nature.

I was the last to go and I felt pretty relaxed. Still I had fear as my topic was Election Commission of India. I presented my Topic and laid down some useful points. He was happy. He didn’t ask me any question. I was very happy when I came out of Classroom as he had no doubts.

I think 200 marks project was the greatest experience I had. It was a great learning experience and I would like to thank my college professors especially Usha Rao madam for helping us out.



We also got in touch with Prof. Seema Ashar, BMS Coordinator, MCC college who shared few tips for the TY students:

Be clear about the relevance of your project i.e. how your project will be useful,to whom it will be of use.
If there are any technical terms used in the project be familiar with the meaning if the terms.
Display your best communication skills and be confident while answering.
Visualize yourself as interacting confidently with the examiner and impressing the examiner
Also visualize your marksheet with the grade you desire!!!!It really works!!!!!


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