We all know Valentine’s Day and Friendship day because marketing gurus across the globe work overtime to make sure that we know its worth. Today we bring to you a similar day with no monetary benefits and very little awareness, ‘Random acts of Kindness Day’ celebrated on the 17th of February every year!
Being kind is the cheapest gift you can give, it doesn’t take anything except your time andyet is fulfilling to your soul at so many levels. This random Acts of Kindness Day we spoke to a few who believe in being kind the entire year around and got them to share with us how tiny, random and unnoticed acts of kindness help you feel content at the end of your day.
Nisarg Shah an active member of the Deeds of Kindness Trust (DOK), a Mumbai based NGO working for the benefit of humanity says, “That a very small act of collecting old newspapers selling them and using the earnings to help under privileged students by getting those books or uniforms is something we do on a monthly basis”. “May sound irrelevant but helping a child fulfill his dream of education is a great feeling”, he adds.
But being kind doesn’t mean you need to be a member of a huge organization like ‘DOK’, even if you don’t have such an opportunity on a smaller level you can start up something, take the initiative and do your own random act of kindness day.
On a similar initiative driven level we found a Group called ‘My Neha World’. These people are all residents of the same building and have come forward to do their Kind deed this Random Acts of Kindness day. Together they have decided to collect their old clothes to donate it to an orphanage. “For us this works out at so many levels as it teaches our kids how to value whatever they have and it gives us an opportunity to make someone smile by doing a very small deed”, says Vijay Gokarn one of the founder members of the group.
In certain cases your deed might be on a very personal level like Bhumi Desai a BMS student, for whom helping out her old neighboring Dadi (grandmother) to cross the road on a busy street is what Kindness is all about. Similar is the case with marketing professional Pranav Barot who feels that by carpooling he ensures that he and his colleagues save fuel and act kind towards Mother Nature.
Smile, spread the cheer and do your kind of random act of kindness so that you ensure a very fulfilling and content feeling in your heart this Random Acts of Kindness day.