Beat Stress : 7 Healthy Ways To Reduce Anxiety


stress eat

Stress is suffered by every other person nowadays. But will you believe that there are some foods which can fight stress. Yes, you read that right. There are 7 foods to eat when you are in stress:

  1. Sweet Potatoes

They are sweet, delicious and packed with nutrients-including optimism-boosting carotenoids and fiber which helps relieve you from stress.


  1. Wine

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, so it will lower your blood pressure and will take your tension away.


  1. Dark Chocolate with Almonds

The “chocolate cure” is very true. It lowers your blood pressure meanwhile almond is rich in energy –boosting protein and good-for-you monounsaturated fat, which is linked to lower rate of depression.


  1. Smoothies

Get your caffeine fix by blending java with soy milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and a ripe banana (potassium lowers blood pressure).

 stress eating

  1. Green Tea

Green Tea has multiple advantages; it is also a great remedy for stress. The amino acid in green tea-with feeling cooler under pressure.


  1. Yogurt with Berries

Yogurt is a great source of energising protein and calcium, which your body needs to release feel-good neurotransmitters. Add fresh berries for sweetness and a mega-dose of stress-busting antioxidants and immunity boosting vitamin C.


  1. Kale Chips

Homemade kale has ingredients such as olive oil, kale and salt. It is proved that people who ate olive oil daily felt more satisfied and enjoyed a bigger boost of serotonin than those eating other types of fat.


Eating these foods will not make your problem disappear magically but will act as a stress reliever in some way 🙂

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Saloni Shetty


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