Beauty Products Every Teenage Boy Or Girl Cannot Live Without!


Beauty Products Every Teenage Boy Or Girl Cannot Live Without!

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Every day before reaching for the door, you take a last glimpse of yourself; quickly check if anything is missing. Have you forgotten to take your keys or your ID card? You hurriedly open your bag and heave a sigh of relief 😉 just as your keys or your mobile or your ID card are few things, without them you can’t be able to perform your daily routine chores smoothly similarly there are few products that make a teenagers life much easier. Without them it is almost next to survive (highly exaggerated :)) here is a small list of products that every teenager uses at some point of his/her college life. This list has been divided into two categories boys and girls. Well I didn’t want to make boys look funny by making a list for them but there are few products which even they use daily. I hope everyone has something to read in this article.

·        Boys:-

  1. Face wash:-

This is a fact that you cannot deny surely! Every guy has a face wash in his bag, just in case he needs it anywhere at any point of time. Since guys are always on the field there is always dust on them and a face wash is very handy at those times.

  1. Moisturiser:-

Some boys do keep a moisturiser it can be of Nivea or any other brand. It is very beneficial to have one in your bag especially during winters.

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 3. Deo:-

We are all aware of this that guys sweat more than girls and it’s natural. A deo is a must to have to prevent any bad odour disturbing you plus a waft of deo is always good for first impression.

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  1. Gel:-

Everyone doesn’t use hair gels on daily basis but you should have one. Even guys have their fair share of bad hair day. To tackle your tresses gel is always a good option.

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  1. Shaving cream:-

Teenage guys don’t shave too often. Shaving too much stretches the skin on your face and it becomes sloppy very soon. Clean shave, stubble, French beard or goatee it’s all your choice.

·        Girls:-

  1. Face wash:-

This product is common for both girls and guys. Women love to look neat and after travelling in today have polluted roads it’s not possible to look the same as were looking back at your home. Having a face wash helps to clean your pores and also keep you looking fresh and glowing.

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  1. Creams:-

It could be a simple moisturiser for one or a foundation or a BB cream but every girl has her owns secret to bring that shine on face.

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  1. Sunscreen:-

With every day global warming is on rise. With so much UV radiation in the air it’s very risky to travel without proper protection for your body. A sunscreen with SPF 15 or 20 is ideal for all seasons. A trick to avoid sweating of sunscreen is applying it before 15-20 minutes before stepping out of your house.

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9. Eyeliner:-

A lot of girls apply either eye-liners or kajal. Both of them are great and make your eyes look beautiful. Well defined eyes are more attractive and engaging and help in striking a good impression.

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  1. Lip balm/lip stick:-

Lip balms are most probably used on daily basis. They are available in different colours and also they provide a shine without being too overwhelming as lip colors.

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  1. Deo/perfumes:-

Girls love good smell and they recognize one from distance also. Smelling good also gives you an air of confidence around you.

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So this was a small list I hope I was beneficial to all of you and remember that the most precious product that you posses naturally is your beautiful smile. It can light up any gloomy day and add cheer to your happiness.



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