Beggars – Millionaires in Reality?


Beggar lady 

Your heart might bleed for them. That groggy and miserable look, torn and tattered attire, a contorted, twisted, face showcasing agony and those swollen, sleep-deprived eyes which make you think that distress and poverty had been gnawing into them.

   Empathy is certainly the emotion you feel for them. But aren’t we aware that many of them make more money from begging that they would they have actually worked? Yea, that’s right! Many of them are not as “genuine” as they make it look. There are times when we see women with infants and our heart might go out for them. In reality, these are borrowed from someone else and they are made to eat sleeping pills so that gives the people around a more realistic look.

  The other day, one of my friends had been to Haji Ali. He came through a handicap and offered him a sum of Rs.100.The man took the sum and threw it into river and exclaimed that he accepted only 500 rupee notes and what’s more astonishing is that people do give him that much. Stunned, aren’t you? Begging can make a huge difference so much so that a man becomes a millionaire in his lifetime. Many of us may not earn as much by sheer hard work and honest means as much as they earn.

It is years of scrounging and vagrancy on the streets that make habitable towards begging and they become aimless and lazy. So the next time when you meet a beggar on a traffic signal you should not be sure of his fortune. Only God knows how much he has amassed and still stands with an askance face and protrude hands.

-Misbaah Mansuri

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