Being fit is the real unfit!



Dieting! The scariest word for a foodholic. But does skipping meals really help in building a body? I don’t think so. Skipping meals not only wastes our energy but also minimizes the protein and calcium intake. Keeping in mind that meals are an important supplement for our daily growth, we must never skip a meal. We must remember that the more we workout, the more proteins and energy is required.

Going to a gym will help us making strong muscles, but the more we get fitter physically from outside, our body possesses to become less inactive from the inside. People spend lots of money on becoming physically fit but they harm themselves from inside. Actually if we see then being fit is real unfit. People who are fit have gone through rigorous training and hard work. They never have skipped their meals helping them to gain fat which can be later converted into muscles.

People falsely believe that skipping meals will help them shred some of their weight and fats. But the first rule of gym is to “NEVER SKIP YOUR MEALS”. Skipping meals make them weak and thus unfit. People who wish to gain or lose some weight and fats must consult their doctor or a dietician for proper guidance and then continue the diet as prescribed. Being fit is good but skipping meals for the same would do nothing better than worse. By dieting we make the situation even worse as the human body does require some or the other kind of food for helping in building strong base.

At the last I would say that making ourselves fit is the call of the hour but making ourselves unfit by skipping meals is definitely not the call.


–  Jiten Godhania

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