Being Too Kind In Corporate World Is An Advantage or Disadvantage?



When people say that being too nice can be a disadvantage, I believe it is true to certain extent.

But that doesn’t mean you will stop being nice, if you’re a kind person then you are, no one can change that fact.

And being nice and kind is always good, people who are nice and kind are treasured.

Being too nice and kind in corporate world ? Well it depends upon a person.

You may be kind but you never know if the other person is taking advantage of that kindness or not. So you need to be smart enough to understand other people.

Being kind and nice to people who truly deserve your kindness is right thing you can do. But people with really bad attitude and nature, if you are kind to them , then your kindness is in vain because such people are not affected by anything you do.

You can’t expect people to give back your kindness. As I said you never know whether people will like you for being kind or not. As it different in very case.

In corporate world, you will meet all kinds of people, people who love or don’t love your kindness.

Sometimes this kindness helps you to reach places that you have never imagined to be. So being nice and kind also have some pros.

For me the answer lies in between, I like to be kind to people that’s just my nature, but there are times when people take advantage of you, at such time you feel so used and demoralized. So to avoid that you must know how to be smart enough in the corporate world.

Because in corporate world there is a tough competition, everyone wants to be successful and reach at higher places.

In such circumstances, your kindness can be misused.

I am not saying don’t be kind, I am saying don’t be too kind.

Being kind won’t harm you but being too kind can be a disadvantage.

So think wisely even when you are being kind in corporate.

I believe that a person is born kind, you cannot change the traits but surely you can know how to use your good traits in right direction.



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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.