Belt it smart




A snazzy belt is a perfect accessory that can spice up any outfit and make it look classy.But you have to get certain elements right and choose the right way to wear the belt that can help you flatter your outfit and body too.

The best piece of advice on how to wear a belt right now is to wear it with a dress – any dress. By wearing your belt up beneath them , you can instantly transform any outfit, whether it’s a shirt, sweater, or dress, into an adorable A-line masterpiece!   Wearing a belt over your clothing, not just your pants, has actually become quite popular. If you’re wearing an oversized sweater or even a flowing cardigan over a tee shirt, you can hold it all together with a spunky belt. Button down shirts, which come down past your hips also look fantastic with belts.       For a new look, instead of a proper belt, try a scarf. Lots of women are doing this now, as scarves are comfortable, colorful, and you can arrange them around your body in any number of inventive ways. Thin or thick, braided, twined, or multi-colored ribbons also work great as belts. This way, you can add some color and a touch of femininity to your outfit.   Knotted trendy belts are popping up all over the place. A lot of people are also wearing their belts doubled up. Create a new norm by wearing your belt low on your hips and highlight your beautiful curves.

There are so many ways you can fashion these  accessories and add a shimmer to your outfit.So go and grab some sassy belts,incorporate them your dressing style  and see how they work brilliantly and glamourize any outfit.                                                                                                                         -MISBAAH MANS

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Riya Lokhande


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