Benedict Cumberbatch : Are we sher-locked ?



 When this guy does anything it becomes a sensation on internet whether it be his acting his interview or his comments. MR Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch is being loved by everyone all around the world.

From acting as modern day SHERLOCK to KHAN in star trek he is stealing the hearts of million. It’s was when Sherlock season 3 first footage was released on internet there was nothing else other than Sherlock going on internet as if INTERNET BLEW HIS MINDS OF!!!

A theatre artist to a successful actor played JULIAN ASSANGE in Dreamwork’s THE FIFTH ESTATE and even a dragon in Peter Jackson’s DESOLATION OF SMAUG.

This critically acclaimed actor is a sensation over internet by his funny interviews to his harlem shake video he did by his fingures. Every Cumberbatch fan know how he survived The Reichenbach fall(yes it was awesome!!!).

Mr Cumberbatch cant be ignored as his dedication towards his work and some great roles with some great actors are truly good and adorable. Now his new projects he working on are The Hobbit:The Battle of the Five Armies and The Imitation Game both to be released in 2014.

As now Benedict Cumberbatch is doing his work great we look forward to him and lets hope may more good works could be seen by us by this great actor .


By Harshvardhan Singh


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