Benefits Of Inventory Management


Benefits Of Inventory Management


1.    Centralized inventory management consolidates inventory information by tracking lot numbers, on-hand levels and expiration dates, making the re- ordering process more efficient.

2.    Enables simultaneous tracking and documenting supplies during studies to reduce redundant data entry and increase workflow efficiency.

3.    When multiple officials are involved in a case, the statistical report accurately correlates the supplies used with the correct user, eliminating mis-charges and appropriately tracking resources.

4.    Provides stand-alone inventory management system for the institution with the capacity to integrate with a hospital’s existing inventory system, significantly reducing go-live times and improving departmental efficiency.

5.    Optional interface to institution’s/company’s material management system significantly reduces ongoing inventory maintenance, and ensures accurate pricing data for case cost reports and auto-decrements supply levels.

6.    Comprehensive inventory reports help automate key administrative responsibilities, such as tracking inventory item usage by vendor and physician, maintaining in-stock value of consignment verses non-consignment items, and providing notification of items with upcoming expirations.

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