Best Brownies Forever



Why the Brownie is a Dessert

Brownie is a Dessert as it a type of sweet dish  made up of  delicate flour and bread .It is soft and spongy . Dessert includes cakes,cookies,pastries,pudding etc.This wide varieties of desserts has come from western culture.Brownie the best delicious sweet dish among all desserts.Its origin is from US made at the end of 19thcentury.Brownie the king of dessert is made in different ways  and styles using different ingredients depending upon the culture, attitude ,likes ,tastes and preference of the people in particular country or place.Brownie is especially made up of flour,dairy ,eggs and spices. Sugar gives brownie the addictive sweetness,it also contributes to moistness and adds lovely taste to it.

Brownie is made of Chocolate food, the food of Gods. Lovely tasty chocolate is loved by everyone and especially liked by children and youngsters.Brownie comes in variety of chocolate forms like whipped cream,chocolate chips,cocoa powder, blondie etc.Brownie is usually paired with milk ,coffee and wine. Brownies are common lunchbox fare typically eaten with hand. They are especially popular in restaurants and bars where they can be found in variation on many desserts menus. Its different ingredients and way of cooking everytime adds different delicious taste.

Certain foods are believed to Strengthen the Relationships  and Brownie being one of them connects one sweetheart to the other and if at all hearts turns bitter towards each other a brownie can streak the heart with love. One of the best tricks a broken love affair needs. A common affair at parties ,banquets,weddings, gatherings, Brownies have gained a prime importance as food which adds a flovour of quality wherever and to whatever it is added.Human fabric always greeds for the best and when its for chocolates and brownies well then there is no end.

A Perfect and the best treat can be given on various occasions to our dear ones. Brownies are in between chocolates and the cookies ans when seemed hot the oozing melted chocolate for sure gives a glimpse of heaven.It adds sweetness and softness to the relationship as the brownies are.It is the perfect blend of love and lust.  

Summing Up

Brownie has always  been a favourite among all ages making the oldies rich and younger from the heart and mind too. Its makes them romantic and make them think of the younger days with whom they had spend precious time .It creates fantasy in the minds and hearts of the people. Brownies not only is a anti depressant act but also creates spark of happiness, so all you men there, if u all would like to make yourself irresistible to all women then convert yourself into some delicious brownie!so Brownie is Young and Forever to make rich heart and express some kind of love.


– By Rachana Mehta


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