Best College Review Contest 2015

0 Presents


We are opening up applications for interesting College reviews. Students can write about their experiences during their college lives and tell us about the good, the bad (maybe even ugly) side of being a college student. Flaunt it. Crib about it. Tell us all about your college experience, just the way it is.

What Do I Win?

  1. Rs. 250/- gift voucher by for top 60 entries.
  2. E-certificate of participation for all the participants
  3. Opportunity to feature ‘about yourself’ on our community website(s) for all the participants.


Important Instructions:

  1. Article word limit is minimum of 250 words
  2. Students should not put up any confidential information about the college. Such entries will be disqualified.
  3. Possible areas that can be covered in the college review are – Location, infrastructure and ambience, Canteen, Hangout places, Faculty, Teaching style, Attendance, crowd and college decorum, Placement, festivals and extra-curricular activities.
  4. All the articles should be strictly original and free from any kind of plagiarism. Please do not send an article which is already published elsewhere; for example in another magazine or in any blog etc. The article, even if yours, should not be active on any other URL on the web.


How Do I Win It?

Step 1: Publish your college review in Campus Articles category on ‘Articles’ Section of –

Step 2: Mail the url of the college review that is published on to [email protected] alongwith ‘about yourself’ in .doc/.docx format.

Step 3: Share the college review url with your friends on facebook, twitter, whatsapp and all other social media platforms, use your networking skills to get maximum number of views.

Step 4: Wait to hear the results from us.

Who can participate?

The contest is open to anyone in the world, regardless of age and nationality.

Submission Deadline: 10th June 2015, Wednesday.


Feel free to write to us at [email protected] in-case of any queries and we shall revert within 24 hours.



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BMS Team

We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].

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