Best Newcomer Intern Nikhil Jain Shares His Experience With BMS!



Hello!! I am Mr. Nikhil Jain currently pursuing engineering from Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai. I’m an adventure loving guy who want to explore the each & every day of life, as each & everyday teaches you something new & every day is a new challenge. I am writing this blog regarding my experience that I have learnt & want to share some of the experiences with you.

It feels very great to be the part of that team I.e. is emerging day by day & that gave me the opportunity to be the part of this hardworking BMS team in which one is always surrounded by the skillful& hardworking people which are extremely talented & I’m highly pleased by the behavior of the people working in the team & I feel very much happy to be the part of this wonderful team.

nikhil jain

In a few days of working I’m very happy & I want to say that when anyone is surrounded by extremely hardworking &skillful people there is no room for error. The outcome they want is to be very perfect & it has to be very unique so the experience is pretty much good that you should always respect the work you do. As there is a saying “Work is Worship”.

I’m enjoying this work very much as every day is a new experience & many more things which words can’t describe it. And specially I love meeting new people & new thing emerges every day. One can say that every day is a new beginning which makes you learn something new which one can enjoy doing it.

For my readers I just want to say that keep reading the articles or books as every article or blog makes you to learn something new & one day you will explore yourself from this.

– Nikhil Jain

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