Best Places To Work (Top 5 companies) In 2015


According to new report,from Glassdoor, following are the top 5 companies,for 2015, to work with-survey was done by Glassdoor, by taking feedback from employees, top 50 comapnies were shortlisted, but lets have a look at top 5 companies :

1.Yeah, Google tops the list 🙂




2. Bain & Company is an American global management consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.




3. Nestlé Purina PetCare Company

Nestlé Purina Petcare is a St. Louis, Missouri-based subsidiary of Nestlé. It produces and markets pet food, treats and litter.


4. F5 Networks, Inc.

It is a multinational American company which specializes in Application Delivery Networking (ADN) technology that optimizes the delivery of network-based applications and the security, performance, availability of servers, data storage devices, and other network resources. F5 is headquartered in Seattle,Washington


5.The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

It is a global management consulting firm with 87 offices in 45 countries.The firm advises clients in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors around the world, and is Considered one of the most prestigious management consulting firms.


Well, the above companies, never forget to take care of its employees, so who would not love to join it? 😉

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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..


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